Thursday 4 June 2015

Travel in style!!

 Planning your next vacation?     So, you should know that even when we are on a plan we should be stylish ......"In my opinion" the most important thing we should consider when we prepare our airport outfit is comfortable clothes ....The trick to looking good is feeling good......Wear the most comfy clothes that you feel comfortable in to arrive fresh and fabulous...
And these are some tips for you loves to help you travel to your next vacation in style.............Wishing you all a safe trip!

#1 Wear loose fitting clothes.

Loose Sweater or tee on a comfy jeans with sneakers or flat sandals will be a perfect look .......Comfy yet stylish...

#2 Black is The secret.

As we all know There’s no better way to look effortlessly chic and stylish than to wear black.....Black hides everything and that's what we are looking for during travel days especially the long ones.

#3 A maxi dress can be your best friend on travel days.

Yes, if we talk about comfortable clothes the first thing we should mention is dresses especially the maxi dresses......wearing a maxi casual dress with a nice scarf around your neck or with a denim shirt or a cardigan can make you look stylish and give you a comfortable feeling in the same time.

 #4 Wear the biggest handbag you have.

When we travel we pack many things than when we are going out on a normal day we should choose a big handbag to help us take all our stuff.